
Joint Venture


Universal Healthcare Services


Welcome to the payment page for the Universal Healthcare Services and Osmosis Training Ltd online training joint venture.

This page is for candidates who have arranged this training by Universal Healthcare Services. (If you belong to another organisation please click on the following link to take you to the Osmosis Training Home page - www.osmosistraining.co.uk

How it works:

1. Click on the package button below.

2. Paypal will guide you through the payment system - PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO PAY

3. Once you have clicked the purchase button you will be told the relevant purchase charge.

4. Once Osmosis Training receive a payment we will inform Universal Healthcare Services that the payment has been made.

5. After payment is made please wait for one hour for your details to be registered and then phone your agency for further information about your online/face to face training on 020 8801 6400.

6. If you have technical problems when undertaking online sessions please click on the 'Computer settings you need' link at login and if you still have issues please email contact@osmosistraining.co.uk

Osmosis Training Face-to-Face Sessions:
(please click on the links for more information)

Manual Handling        Basic Life Support

Osmosis Training Online Sessions:

Osmosis Training Ltd provides the following training (please note that all the sessions below cost £8.23 inc. VAT whether you take one session or all sessions):
(please click on the links for more information)
  1. Fire Safety
  2. Health and Safety (1974 & 1999) (includes Risk Incident Reporting)
  3. COSHH
  5. Infection Control
  6. Lone Worker
  7. Handling of Violence and Aggression
  8. Risk Incident Reporting, (included in the Health and Safety session)
  9. Information Governance, Data Protection and Caldicott Protocols
  10. Complaint Handling
  11. POVA (Protection Of Vulnerable Adults)
  12. Food Safety
  13. Child Protection

The session content is aimed at temporary worker agencies to assist them in meeting their PASA training requirement.


Please click here to purchase your Online and Face-to-Face Sessions: